Live! Review: Lucius – The Royale (Boston, MA) – 3.29.16

(photo: Arthur Pollock | Boston Herald)

If the last time you saw Lucius in concert was during the Wildewoman era, drop every single comparatively pointless thing you’re doing and buy a ticket to the nearest remaining show on their tour. If you haven’t seen them at all, buy seven tickets for good measure.

Do it.

Seriously, open a new tab and don’t come back here until you have your ticket(s). I’ll wait.

Okay cool. I trust you didn’t let me down. Now allow me to explain why that was so flip-stinkin’ important for you to have done. Continue reading

Live! Review: Pure Bathing Culture – The Royale (Boston, MA) – 3.29.16

(photo: Jeff Ryan)

The first time I saw Lucius was in Cleveland. They were opening for and upstaging a veteran indie/alternative band, which is way more of a nod to Lucius’ set than it is a slam against Head and the Heart’s. Both acts brought their freaking A-game, but you never quite expect to walk away more impressed with the supporting act.

As far as I’m concerned, it’s not a Lucius show if the opener fails to sonically destroy anywhere from 95% to 100% of all things in its path. Last time, Lucius destroyed the stage first. This time, since Lucius was headlining, Pure Bathing Culture (PBC) had first dibs on destruction. Continue reading